International Compliance Association launches ICA Specialist Certificate in AI for compliance professionals in China

Image related to International Compliance Association launches ICA Specialist Certificate in AI for compliance professionals in China

4 March 2025 – The International Compliance Association (ICA), the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community, announced today the launch of the ICA Specialist Certificate in AI for Compliance Professionals tailored for the Chinese market.  

This course has been specifically adapted to meet the needs of compliance professionals in China, translated into simplified Chinese and featuring a dedicated module  entitled “The Reality and Future of AI Ethics for Financial Compliance in China”. The module is designed to help compliance officers understand the current status and future trends of AI application in financial compliance in China in line with the country’s comprehensive policy framework that guides financial institutions in managing AI-related ethical and compliance issues. 

As artificial intelligence technologies become increasingly integrated into business, demand for compliance professionals with expertise in AI is growing rapidly. Companies are seeking experts who can navigate the complex regulatory landscape surrounding AI, which includes understanding ethical considerations, data privacy laws, and emerging regulations such as China's Generative AI Measures and Algorithm Recommendation Provisions. 

The ICA Specialist Certificate in AI for Compliance Professionals is a unique qualification designed to help compliance professionals future-proof their careers. It equips them with a comprehensive mix of case studies and practical knowledge on AI, enabling them to demonstrate their expertise to peers and senior leaders. The course provides an in-depth understanding of the core concepts of AI ethics and how to mitigate AI challenges and risks. 

ICA President Pekka Dare commented, "I am truly honoured to launch the ICA Specialist Certificate in AI for Compliance Professionals on the Chinese market, where demand for AI skills among compliance professionals is on the rise. As AI technologies proliferate in the financial sector, compliance professionals in China are expected to understand AI's ethical, legal, and regulatory implications. This unique qualification will help support compliance professionals to mitigate and detect risk and address AI challenges with confidence." 

Undertaken by over 180,000 practitioners globally, ICA qualifications are designed to equip industry professionals with the knowledge, skills and behaviour they need to detect and mitigate financial crime risk more effectively, combining global best practice, case studies, and practical skills. 

2025年3月4日 — 国际合规协会(ICA),全球领先的监管和金融犯罪合规专业机构,今天宣布推出专为中国市场设计的 ICA 合规专业人员人工智能专业证书。 

该课程专为中国合规专业人士设计,已翻译成中文。包含一个新单元“人工智能在中国金融合规中的伦理现状与未来” ,帮助合规官了解中国金融合规中人工智能的现状和未来趋势,并符合国家管理人工智能伦理和合规问题的政策框架。 


ICA 合规专业人员人工智能专业证书是一项独特的资格认证,帮助合规专业人士提升职业前景。课程提供全面案例研究和人工智能知识,使他们向同行和领导展示专业技能。该课程深入理解人工智能伦理核心概念及应对挑战和风险的方法。 

ICA主席Pekka Dare评论道:“我很荣幸在中国市场推出 ICA 合规专业人员人工智能专业证书。这里对人工智能技能的需求在上升。随着人工智能在金融领域的普及,中国合规专业人士需要了解人工智能的伦理、法律和监管影响。此资格认证将帮助他们自信应对和解决人工智能挑战。” 
