7 reasons why you should study with ICA

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For more than 20 years we have improved the understanding, skills and behaviour of over 170,000 professionals across the globe in anti money laundering; governance, risk and compliance; managing sanctions risk and financial crime prevention. ICA qualifications are now the industry benchmark of excellence, with individuals and corporate teams taking them to improve their ability to manage risk more effectively, progress their career, or change career paths.  

The benefits of obtaining an ICA qualification are significant, from enhancing your technical knowledge and critical thinking skills, to becoming part of a connected global community of like-minded professionals, to improving your employment opportunities, and setting yourself up for success. Becoming #ICAqualified opens new doors to opportunities and equips you with the tools you need to navigate a fast-changing world arena and be prepared for the future. 

So, what sets ICA apart from other training providers and what makes our qualifications stand out?  Check out these top seven reasons and discover why you should begin your study journey with us.

1. Turn knowledge into ability

ICA qualifications are expertly designed and delivered by experienced industry professionals who have walked in your shoes and understand the challenges you face. They will not only help transform your specialist knowledge, but they will also equip you with the skills and behaviours to design new risk frameworks and help instil a culture of compliance within your firm. At ICA, we are creating future leaders by enabling you to think and act differently. We will boost your knowledge but also support you in breaking that knowledge down so you can apply practical and actionable insights in your day-to-day role. You will learn how to ask different questions and address the challenges of the future with confidence. 

“Having completed the ICA Advanced Certificate in Governance, Risk and Compliance, I learned about how the regulators respond to the challenges of human behaviour and systems that unintentionally may create risks. The entire course had so many of these examples that really brought the subject to life in a practical way.” 

Yogesh S Gandhi, Group Compliance Culture Manager, Vodafone

2. Unique learning designed to simulate your working environment

The jewel in the crown of ICA Advanced Certificate and Diploma level qualifications is the Live Immersive Scenario that takes place towards the end of the course. From a state-of-the-art studio, the course tutor will lead a simulated real-world scenario which challenges you to apply what you have learned so far. From identifying potential money laundering, breaking up a human trafficking ring, dealing with evolving sanctions developments, or exploring the complexities around whistleblowing, ICA Immersive Scenarios are an unrivalled, involved and exciting virtual event.

3. Learn from experts as well as your peers

ICA learners consistently praise the calibre and expertise of tutors as well as the interaction and safe environment which they create inside the virtual classroom to help people think differently and ask difficult questions. Our world-class trainers come from diverse backgrounds ranging from the banking sector to law enforcement with expertise covering the entire spectrum of regulatory and financial crime compliance. By tapping into their vast experience, listening to their stories and sharing your own, your confidence in your own abilities will grow. The sharing of insights between your fellow classmates who come from different organisations, sectors and countries will also broaden your perspectives and help deepen your understanding.  

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course and have fallen back in love with compliance again! I was able to debate and discuss risk and compliance topics with SMEs from countries such as Russia, Sri Lanka and Japan from a variety of sectors including banking, gambling, food and government agencies. Where else can you get such rich diversity of thought, background, ethnicity and approach? I loved it and plan to stay in close contact with a large number of my cohort as we formed some great relationships.  

“The course leader clearly has a passion to help people and was always there for guidance and support. The specialist external tutors were also thoroughly engaging and motivating – big highlight of the course.” 

Jon Childs, Head of Compliance & Money Laundering Reporting Officer 

4. Global recognition

ICA qualifications are the international benchmark of competence and excellence, recognised by regulators and employers all over the world. Studied by hundreds of thousands of professionals across the globe, ICA qualifications are the gateway to new career opportunities. Awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester*, the qualifications provide, recognition and prestige, helping you take on new responsibilities, go for that promotion or apply for a new role. 

5. Qualification for life

Unlike certifications from other providers, ICA qualifications are life-long qualifications with no expiry date or the need to be re-certified. In gaining your ICA qualification, you will demonstrate your commitment to professional development, upholding industry best standards, and continuous learning at any given time. You will also save money, time and resources by not having to re-certify, instead being able to invest that time in continuous learning.  

6. Unlimited access to learning resources

As an ICA member you benefit from unlimited access to the ICA Learning Hub, updated on a daily basis with new learning resources, practical insights, checklists and analysis designed to help you stay up to date on the latest industry developments. 90% of ICA members agree that ICA’s learning resources enhance their knowledge and understanding of topics, while 86% and 84%, respectively, agree that ICA’s learning resources help them to achieve their professional goals and perform better in their role. (ICA Member Survey, 2024) The top three resources according to our members are the ICA Learning Hub, the member-only webinar series, and inCOMPLIANCE, ICA’s exclusive member magazine. 

7. Community

ICA has over 30,000 members in more than 150 countries. Becoming an ICA member means that you will be joining a connected global community of like-minded peers, who come from diverse backgrounds. Whether it’s gathering at ICA’s annual conference in London or joining a live webinar, you will have the opportunity to connect with other members from all over the world and benefit from valuable networking opportunities. 

To learn more about ICA’s qualification visit: https://www.int-comp.org/learn-and-develop/qualifications/

*where stated